About Cirrus Driver

Mario Borges Simoes (aka Cirrus Driver) was born in Venezuela in 1971 to Portuguese parents. At the age of 4, Mario moved to Portugal where he was raised and educated. He was accepted into the Portuguese Air Force Academy at the age of 17, and soon thereafter began flying the DHC-1 “Chipmunk.”; his first solo was in an ASK-21 glider during the summer of 1990.

Mario graduated from the Portuguese Air Force Academy in 1993 first in his class – “Felinos” – and was selected to attend UPT (Undergraduate Pilot Training) in the US. After completion of the T-41 screening program at the US Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, Mario went to Columbus AFB, Mississippi, for pilot training. There, as a member of the class 95-04 “Flying Elvises,” Mario flew T-37s and T-38s. He completed pilot training and received his US Air Force Wings in January 1994. After completion of UPT, Mario returned to Portugal where he received his Portuguese Air Force Wings. Subsequently, Mario was assigned to the 502 Squadron, where he flew the Casa 212.

Eventuallly, Mario requested to be discharged from his military duties in order to pursue a career in civil aviation. Shortly thereafter, he moved to Florida where he became a CFI, CFII, and MEI. In Florida, Mario gave flight instruction for a period of 2 years, flying a wide variety of GA airplanes.

In 1999, Mario applied and was hired by American Eagle Airlines. Initially based in San Juan, Puerto Rico, he was later transferred to the Miami hub. At American Eagle, he flew the ATR-42 and ATR-72 212A. After four (4) years, Mario left his job with American Eagle, and went to law school at UF, Gainesville, Florida.

Mario’s passion for flying never diminished. In order to satisfy his need to stay airborne, Mario decided to acquire a Cirrus late in 2006; he took delivery of N352MS in June 25, 2007. Mario holds an ATP license, and has logged over 5600 flight hours, including over 2600 hours in turbine multi-engine airplanes and over 1670 hours as flight instructor.

Mario graduated from the University of Florida Law School in the Fall of 2007, and pursued a career in aviation law, defending manufacturers, flight schools,  maintenance facilities, FBOs, and pilots. While Mario continues to practice law on a part-time basis, he spends most of his time providing safety consulting services for the Offshore Oil Industry in Brazil and Land Oil Rigs in North Dakota.

Mario is a member of the:

1. Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA)

2. Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA)

3. National Business Aviation Association (NBAA)

4. Cirrus Owners and Pilots Association (COPA)

5. Lawyer Pilots Bar Association (LPBA)

6. NTSB Bar Association (NTSB Bar)

7. The Florida Bar (FL Bar)

8. US District Court Middle District Of Florida (FL MD)

According to Mario, his biggest accomplishment was the climg and summit of Mount Kilimanjaro on March 23, 2008, at 9:23 a.m.  He also feels priveleged everytime he’s given the opportunity to fly a mission for Angel Flight Southeast.


  1. hey ; enjoyed reading about you and your life. .look like your a hellva guy
    btw (found you while trying to track down a seadoo (no i dont what yours) ) anyhow you seem like a real stand up guy and myself also an ispiring pilot am impressed with what your doing. Nice cirrus tooo.. and how you learn to do all your nice web stuff and do you host this on your on server running what? well if you dont respond thats fine but lookis like i am the first to comment ; which surprises me unless this is all new (no dates) but good luck with the future!
    tony in vermont

    • Hello Tony. Thanks for your kind words. You are, indeed, the first “poster” in my new photoblog. If you look closely on each post you will see that there are dates, but they are not very prominent. I had a Seadoo 150 Speedster for sale about 1 year ago, but it has been sold. I traded it for a 2008 Seadoo Challenger SE, which I am also thinking about selling. I just don’t have enough time to enjoy it (I used it only 6 hrs since new). As far as my blog, I use WordPress as my basic host, and my yahoo server space for the pictures. I know enough HTML to customize it, but for the most part it does not require any special knowledge. The Cirrus is a beauty . . . it is also a blast to fly it. Take care and all the best to you. Mario in Florida.

  2. MARIO!! It’s so wonderful to see that you are part of such a great organization, but it does not surprise me at all….you were always such an extraordinary guy! So happy to hear you are doing aviation law; that is a perfect fit for you. Stop by and say hello to us in Miami and Fort Lauderdale when you are in the area. It’s great to hear from you. My sister and mom work at a hospital that has a large cancer center, how do people get an angel flight mission if they need one? Anyway, don’t be a stranger and say hello to Kim and all the puppies for me!


    • Hi Anastasia.
      The puppies say hello . . . and so does Kim.
      I hope all is well with you and your family. Regarding Angel Flight Missions, tell your mom and sister to visit http://www.angelflightse.org for information about requesting a flight. It is absolutely free; we, the pilots, pay for all the costs incurred for the air transportation. Of course, the patient’s financial status is taken into account; we are not here to provide free “joy” rides. Aviation law is something that I actually enjoy being a part of, but the overall practice of law is still under evaluation. My idea of the Bar and the practice of law does not match the real Bar and the real, every-day, practice of law. I am in the proverbial transition phase, and feel like a red-hot piece of metal being hammered into shape; most of the times, however, I simply feel like a caged animal. At the moment, besides Angel Flight missions, I am also working on reinstating my flight instructor license, which I foolishly let expire a few years ago. As soon as I am done with it, I am planning to visit South Florida for a few days; I will let you know. Meanwhile, I hope to see you at Gina’s wedding.
      See you soon.

  3. Marion –

    Kim gave me your website to look at. EXCELLENT!!! I am looking forward to our flight! BTW, I’ll be cooking some more ribs and chicken in a couple of weeks.


    • Hello Reidy:
      My airplane is about to go for its 2nd Annual inspection. If everything goes as planned, I’ll be up and flying again around June 13, 2009. I am also looking forward to our flight.

  4. Mario –

    Fat fingers….I misspelled your name. Sorry.

  5. Olá Mário, estás óptimo!
    Adorei de conhecer o teu percurso.
    Pelo menos, alguém de nós, fez algo de diferente na vida, enquanto a maioria se limitou a ficar por aqui a “abobrar”, satisfeito, porque tem uma situação profissional mais ou menos estável, e uma casa para pagar em 30 anos, valham-nos ao menos os filhos…
    Isto deve ser a nostalgia dos 40…
    Um grande abraço
    Anabela Resende
    Escreve, enfsp_vagos@csvagos.min-saude.pt

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